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A member registered May 14, 2019

Recent community posts

oh ok... how about you just delete the old account so I can use my old credenstials 

Should I dm u on discord

(1 edit)

about 1 year ago

I redownloaded the game and forgot my password. If I give you my email, can you help me recover it?

NVM found it. Thx for the help

Hey bro does it work for Xbox controller?

I tried with Xbox, my computer responded with the controller but the game wont play with it.

(1 edit)

I have a windows 10  4gb ram. I downloaded to the downloads, pressed extract here and then copied the file to the desktop. Sorry for the late reply :(

Hey OneManArmy I cant find the folder to change background and stuff. It's not in my documents like u showed in your vid. Please help. Thx

(2 edits)

In rough it means "I think there's a brilliant way to work on the game, thank you to the good producers here." So I think he says Its a brilliant game and thanks you, the producer, for making it.

Thanks a lot man. Really helped!

What servers do u guys use cuz I cant find anyone to play with. I love this game and wish to play more online so please answer! BTW I've been playing for 2 years!